How to use JAVA to embed Music Notation in WEB pages

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Usage of Applet with GUIDO URL

Go to overview (How to embed Music in WEB pages)


Embedding Conventional Music Notation using GUIDO Music Notation and the NoteServerApplet in conjunction with the GUIDO NoteServer is easy. You can either place the GUIDO description directly inside the HTML-code (as is presented on this page) or you can use a URL to a GUIDO description as is demonstrated here.

Using Applet with GUIDO description inside HTML-code

This applet uses directly placed GUIDO data:

This code was used for the Notation-Display:


  <PARAM NAME=server VALUE=''>
  <PARAM NAME=serverVersion VALUE="">
  <PARAM NAME=zoomFactor VALUE='0.5'>
  <PARAM NAME=gmn VALUE=' {  [ \pageFormat<21cm,29cm,tm=3cm,rm=1cm,lm=1cm,bm=1cm>
  \title<"Choral direct"> \staff<1> \clef<"treble"> \stemsUp
  \key<3> \meter<"4/4"> _*6/8 c#2*2/8 c#2*1/8 d2*1/8 e2*2/8 c#2*2/8
  a1*2/8 h1*2/8   c#2*2/8 \fermata( d2*2/8 ) c#2*2/8 h1*2/8 a1*2/8
  a1*3/8 h1*1/8 c#2*2/8 c#2*2/8 h1*1/8 a1*1/8 h1*2/8 \fermata( a1*6/8
  )    c#2*2/8 h1*2/8 c#2*2/8 a1*2/8 f#1*2/8 g#1*2/8 a1*2/8 \fermata(
  h1*2/8 ) c#2*2/8 a1*2/8 a1*2/8 a1*3/8 h1*1/8 c#2*2/8     c#2*2/8
  h1*1/8 a1*1/8 h1*2/8 \fermata( a1*8/8) ] , [ \staff<1> \stemsDown
  \key<"A"> \meter<"4/4"> _*6/8 e1*2/8 e1*2/8      e1*2/8 e1*2/8
  f#1*2/8 e1*2/8 e1*2/8 e1*2/8 e1*2/8 e1*2/8 e1*2/8 e1*2/8 d1*2/8
  e1*2/8 e1*2/8 e1*2/8 d1*2/8 e1*6/8     e1*2/8 e1*2/8 e1*2/8 e1*2/8
  d#1*2/8 e1*2/8 f#1*2/8 g#1*2/8 g#1*2/8 f#1*2/8 f#1*2/8 f#1*4/8
  a1*2/8 a1*2/8 g#1*2/8     g#1*2/8 e1*8/8 ] , [ \staff<2>
  \clef<"bass"> \stemsUp \key<"A"> \meter<"4/4"> _*6/8 a0*2/8 a0*2/8
  h0*2/8 a0*2/8 a0*2/8  
   e1*2/8 a0*2/8 g#0*2/8 a0*2/8 g#0*2/8 a0*2/8 a0*1/8 g#0*1/8 f#0*2/8
   a0*2/8 a0*2/8 g#0*2/8 g#0*2/8 c#1*6/8 a0*2/8  
e1*2/8 a0*2/8 a0*2/8 h0*2/8 h0*2/8 h0*2/8 e1*2/8 c#1*2/8 c#1*2/8
d1*2/8 d1*4/8 e1*2/8 e1*2/8 e1*2/8 d1*2/8 c#1*8/8 ] ,  
   [ \staff<2> \stemsDown \key<"A"> \meter<"4/4">  _*6/8
   \text<"T",2.5>(a-1*2/8) a-1*2/8 \text<"D3",2.5>(g#-1*2/8)  
a-1*2/8 d0*2/8 g#-1*2/8 a-1*2/8 e0*2/8 a-1*2/8 e0*1/8  d0*1/8 c#0*2/8
c#0*2/8 d0*2/8 a-1*2/8 a-1*2/8 e0*2/8 e0*2/8 a-1*6/8  
a-1*2/8 g#-1*2/8 a-1*1/8 h-1*1/8 c#0*1/8 h-1*1/8 a-1*2/8 e0*2/8
d#0*2/8 e0*2/8 e#0*2/8 f#0*1/8 e0*1/8 d0*2/8 d0*4/8 a-1*2/8  
a-1*2/8 e0*2/8 e0*2/8 a-1*8/8 ] }  

Go to overview (How to embed Music in WEB pages)