Bach choral with lyrics

Description:Not yet available. Right now refer to the GUIDO Music Notation of the example for comments.

[GUIDO Music Notation of example] * [Listen to it! (MIDI)]

% This example shows the usage of
% the \lyrics-Tag
% Lyrics are just added to the
% events in the range. Currently,
% no space-adjustment is done.
% A "-" and a "_" in the lyrics switches to
% the next event. A "~" is converted
% into a blank without switching to the
% next event.

% this setting turns on the stretching of
% the last line

\key<"G"> \meter<"12/8"> _/4.
\lyrics<"O Lamm Got-tes un-schul-dig,">(
g1*3/8 g g d2 d e*6/8 d )
_ _*12/8
\lyrics<"Am Stamm des Kreu-zes ge-schlach-tet."> (
d2 g1 a h c2/4 h1/8 a*6/8 g*15/8 ) _*9/8
\lyrics<"all-zeit er-fund'n ge-dul-dig,">(
g1*3/8 g g d2 d e*6/8 d)
_ _*12/8
\lyrics<"wie-wohl du wa-rest ver-acht-et">(
d2 g1 a h c2/4 h1/8 a*6/8 g*15/8 ) _*9/8
\lyrics<"All Sünd hast du ge-tra---gen">(
h*3/8 h h a h g/4 f#/8 e*3/8 d*9/8 ) _*9/8
_*3/8 \lyrics<"sonst müß-ten wir ver-za--gen;">(
d2 d d e d \slur( d c ) h1*12/8 ) _
\lyrics<"er-barm' dich_ un-ser, O Je--su, O Je-su">(
e2 d c/4 h1/8 a*3/8 h/4 c2/8 d*5/8 c/8 \newSystem h1*3/8 c2/4 h1/8
a*6/8 g*12/8 ) ]