The \staffFormat-Tag

Description:Not yet available. Right now refer to the GUIDO Music Notation of the example for comments.

[GUIDO Music Notation of example] * [Listen to it! (MIDI)]

% GUIDO NotationRenderer 0.6
% \staffFormat-Tag is now supported
% The \staffFormat-Tag can be used to change the appearance
% of a staff. Parameters:
% style "n-line" where n is the number of lines
% size defining the size of 1 halfspace (standard 3pt)
% (halfspace is the half the distance between two
% lines of the staff)
% still to do:
% some elements do not react to size-parameter
% end-bar looks funny on staves with n-lines (for n != 5)
[ \staffFormat<size=3pt>
\text<"Playing with \staffFormat-Tag",dy=18hs,dx=-1cm>
( c d e f g a h c2 ) ],
[ \staffFormat<size=5pt> c d e f g a h c2 ],
[ \staffFormat<style="1-line"> \clef<"none"> g g g g g e h ],
[ \staffFormat<style="7-line",size=2pt> c d e f g a h c2 ] }